Eco Friendly Interior Wood Paint

Eco Friendly Interior Wood Paint

ProNature has a range of wood finish products, for both interior & exterior.

ProNature Outdoor: A weather-resistant blend of plant oils and gum resin for the protection of exterior and interior wood. Use this product for the water repellent treatment and protection of all exterior & interior wood, outdoor furnishing, wooden decks and staircases, pergolas, doors and windows. It contains no biocides and needs not to be diluted. ProNature Outdoor should be applied in regular intervals at least once a year.

ProNature Wood Cleaner & Reviver: For cleaning and restoring of weathered wood types. This product is also suitable for the cleaning of oiled and waxed surfaces. Dilute 1:5 with water, for very stubborn dirt, use undiluted. Wood that is severely weathered or dirty, may require a second treatment until the wood shows its natural colour and grain again. Remember to immediately remove and rinse off spills from surfaces not being treated.image_outdoor04

ProNature Plant Soap: A universal cleaning agent for all surfaces with light protective action. This product should be used for oiled and waxed surfaces, ceramics, stoneware, unglazed tiles, plastics, linoleum and stainless steel. Also suitable for cleaning of tools like brushes and rollers as well as hand soap and dishwashing liquid. This product can either be diluted in warm water or use concentrated.

Natural paints are not odour and emission free and may cause allergies. Always provide good ventilation when painting.

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