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Earthcote paints are low VOC, eco-friendly paint which resembles textures of the earth and nature. They have a full range of different finishes, including Granit, Peinture , Tradition, Iron paint, Worn leather, Windswept, Sand paint and Limestone. Each one of these paints adds their own unique texture.

If you are looking for a paint finish to give a special look, Earthcote’s natural range of paints for interior and exterior walls are it. This product is a combination of a modified-crylic and cement enhanced acrylic technology giving a similar affect to cement. A product like Tradition, combines this technology, but with a limited ageing process. This product has excellent weather-proof qualities and is extremely durable with abrasion resistance resulting in longevity and toughness.Earthcote 1


Granite: This paint resembles the texture and look of granite rock. It has a robust flecked appearance due to the recycling from dried paint. Suitable for interior & exterior walls, applied by brush. This paint is not suitable for wet or super moist areas like showers.

Peinture: It was inspired by the rustic textures of the Karoo and is a brush-on exterior product., but can be used interior too and provides a gritty, suede finish to your walls, which is perfect for covering plaster imperfections and hairline cracks.

Tradition: This paint creates the look of an old farmhouse, with a ready-mixed cement enhanced slurry that won’t streak or mottle. It was designed to be used on exterior walls, but is also suitable for interior and application is by brush or roller.

Iron Paint: This specialized paint is designed for pots and walls that are accentuated. It is strictly for interior only and not to be used in wet areas, like showers. It creates an aged, lived-in look. Also do not use this paint on surfaces like counter tops, as Iron Paint will give off natural rust.

Limestone: The look of grit sandpaper in a colour infusion formulated from tumbled light-reflective glass bead particles to be used interior only. Apply with a brush and again, this one is also not for wet areas like showers.

earthcote2Sand paint: A fine-grain look, like clay or mud for ultra-flat light-absorbing walls, both interior and exterior. This is a perfect matt earth finish coating applied by brush or roller. Also hides plaster imperfections and reduces glare factor. This is a fine textured paint.

Windswept: Light-reflective glass bead formulation with the look of carpenter’s water paper. Almost resembles Limestone and should be applied by brush, for use both interior and exterior.


Contact PROPAINT today for more information about low VOC and eco-friendly paints.

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