- 021 828 2228
- info@pro-painting.co.za
- Mon - Fri : 08am - 05pm
At ProNature you receive a guarantee that only natural elements such as beeswax, plant oils and extracts are used in their Wall Paints and Wood finishes. Many companies place a ‘lead-free’ disclaimer on their products, but this does not necessarily mean eco-friendly. ProNature is manufactured by Enviro Touch who is currently the only company in South Africa, who produces a range of 100% natural finishes products (including wall paints, wood and stone finishes).
Their products are specially formulated and researched and offer the purest, environmentally sound alternative to modern-day synthetic living. These paints only contain the most natural elements such beeswax, plant oils and extracts, which ensures the best treatment, protection and maintenance of all wood and stone surfaces.
Things you will not find in ProNature products:
Founded by German paint technician Bernhard Lembeck in 1997, this product offers the purest, eco-friendly paint on the market today.